Our Views
A little bit about what we believe:
When re-branding and re-building, we wanted to be sure we were clear about our views and beliefs. Rather than shy away from complicated things, we thought it better to simply address them. We understand that some subjects require more than a short video and explanation and we always welcome further conversation on related topics!
We’ve provided a short summary video below:
“There is no second-class citizen in the kingdom of God and there will be none at EMERGE”
— Pastor Jim
What we believe about:
The Gospel
We fully affirm the Gospel of Jesus which is perhaps best and most simply articulated in the Apostles Creed text and anyone affirming that Gospel and that creed will have full fellowship at EMERGE. There are no second-class citizens in the kingdom of heaven and there will be none at Emerge.
Racial & Social Injustice
We believe that racial and social injustice not only exist, but thrive in our nation and the Church should do all that we can to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves.
We are neither pro-life nor pro-choice, we are pro-resource. We believe that the solution to abortion is not through legislation, but by providing resource and examining the social issues that contribute to higher abortion rates. Most importantly, we believe that we must love people who are typically frightened and uncertain about their future and are facing perhaps the most difficult time and decision of their lives.
We believe that all immigrants, regardless of documentation, should be treated with dignity and respect and that there are compassionate solutions to our immigration challenges and the Church should do all that we can to find those compassionate solutions.
We believe that the love and grace of God were entrusted to the Church, not to be withheld, but to be freely dispensed to all people, regardless of sexual orientation, status, race, culture of orientation, or anything that tends to divide us. We believe that the tent of Jesus is big enough, and his table is broad enough, to include everyone.
We’d love to chat with you more!